South Asian Network Operators Group
A non-profit forum for Data Network Operators in South Asia

Program Schedule For SANOG 42

SANOG 42 - Conference Program Outline - Monday 21st October, 2024
Venue : Islamabad Marriott Hotel

Type Date Time Session
Conference 21 October 09:00 - 10:15 Opening Plenary >> Moderator: Ahmed Bakhat Baloch
Recitation of Holy Quran
Welcome Note by SANOG Chair : Rupesh Shrestha
Welcome Note by Local Host : Haris Shamsi (Yottabyte)
Welcome Address by Special Guest : Chairman of PTA
Welcome Note from Chief Guest : Minister of State, IT & Telecom
Welcome Address by Guest of Honour : Dr. Haider Abbas (DG of National CERT)
10:15 - 11:30 Panel Discussion >> Session Moderator: Tashi Phuntsho
Panel Discussion Inception Note : Ahmed Bakhat Baloch (PTA)
Panel Discussion on "Pakistan IXP & Peering"
Moderator : Tashi Phuntsho
Shield Distribution to Official Guests
11:30 - 12:00 Tea Break
12:00 - 13:00 Technical Session 1 >> Session Chair: Haris Shamsi
Geolocation and Geofeed Implementation : Subha Shamarukh (APNIC)
A Prototype Application for End-to-End Path Discovery in a Content Delivery Network : Tahir Hussain (Afiniti)
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 - 16:00 Routing Security Session >> Session Chair: Fahad Khan
RPKI Deployment Experience at IIJ : Yoshinobu Matsuzaki (IIJ)
Pakistan: Where the Traffic is Going : Aftab Siddiqui (Internet Society)
Securing the Internet Routing - The Puzzle Pieces : Tashi Phuntsho (Flexoptix)
Internet by the Numbers - South-Asia Edition : David Phelan (APNIC)
16:00 - 16:30 Tea Break
16:30 - 17:15 Technical Session 2 >> Session Chair: Aftab Siddiqui
The Quest for a Resilient Internet Access in a Constrained Geopolitical Environment
: Nowmay Opalinski (Paris 8 University)
Training Sherpas of Nepal - Significance of Local Collaboration : Naveed Haq (Internet Society)
17:15 - 17:30 Closing Plenary >> Moderator: Rupesh Shrestha
Speaker Recognition : Rupesh Shrestha
SANOG Closing Remarks by SANOG Chair : Rupesh Shrestha
The End of SANOG 42 Conference

SANOG 42 - Workshop Outline - 22-25 October, 2024
Venue : Islamabad Marriott Hotel

Workshop Track 1 : Workshop Track 2 : Workshop Track 3 :
22-25 October 09:00 - 18:00
Network Automation:
Dave Phelan (APNIC),
Fahad Khan (APNIC CT)
Cyber Security:
Haris Shamsi (Yottabyte),
Abu Baker (Yottabyte),
Haris Lodhi (Yottabyte),
Ali Reza (Yottabyte)
Routing Security:
Aftab Siddiqui (Internet Society),
Tashi Phuntsho (Flexoptix)

Note* :: Click on the Workshop Title to know more about the Workshops

Note** :: Track Information and content may be changed as per the decision of the SANOG Programme Committee